Today, we will be discussing about how to sync files using rsync with non-standard SSH port. You might wonder why do we need to use non-standard SSH port? It is because of security reasons. Everybody knows 22 is the SSH default port. So, It is mandatory to change your SSH default port number to something...Read More
SSH (Secure SHELL) is an open-source and most trusted network protocol that is used to login to remote servers for the execution of commands and programs. It is also used to transfer files from one computer to another computer over the network using a secure copy (SCP) Protocol. In this article, we will show you...Read More
Sometimes, the most recent version of an installed package might not work as you expected. Your application may not compatible with the updated package and support only a specific old version of package. In such cases, you can simply downgrade the problematic package to its earlier working version in no time. Refer our old guides...Read More
Backup adalah sebuah proses menduplikasi atau mengcopy data-data dari satu perangkat atau media penyimpanan ke media, perangkat atau sistem lain secara offline maupun online untuk mengamankan data dengan cara menyalin data, agar ketika salah satu media penyimpanan rusak, hilang, atau terkena virus, data-data penting yang dimiliki tidak ikut hilang, tidak rusak, serta kapanpun dan dimanapun...Read More